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  • Chris Whiteley

How to be Truly People-Focused

The two P’s (Performance and Profit) are the talk of boardrooms and business meetings up and down the country. For obvious reasons!

However, many of my successful clients operate the three P’s model that importantly includes its People. This critical addition lays the foundations for Performance and Profit.

In essence we are talking about a proactive approach, rather than a reactive one. Too much time and money is channelled into addressing work-related problems, when a ‘prevention rather than cure’ model is more fit for purpose and cost effective.

These common challenges typically centre on performance, productivity, wellbeing, relationships, engagement, alignment and more.

Becoming a people-focused business is not achieved overnight, nor should it be approached half-heartedly. It needs to be culturally led, planned, strategic, and based on a comprehensive understanding of leadership and team needs. 

Of course, needs evolve so it is important to have the right systems and tools in place to monitor any changes. What’s more, use this insight to create realistic, achievable, and measurable personal development plans aligned to the goals of the business. Thereafter, regular 1-2-1 reviews are critical to maximise the outcomes from these plans and provide a basis for lending support in the right areas at the right time.

In this modern age, many of the best talents are recruited by companies that demonstrate their people credentials. Job seekers are increasingly reviewing business websites, social media, and other communications to understand their fit for specific roles. Whether this be led by purpose, values, social value, development, or others. Keeping these communication channels up to date with the latest employee success stories, ambitions, dedicated programmes, and benefits helps to reinforce the people focus during the recruitment process.

Having acquired the best people, consideration should also be given as to how to keep them within the business as happy and loyal employees. So, in addition to a recruitment strategy, there needs to be one for retention too!

Being proactive and transparent in this area keeps employees engaged, motivated, and energised. 

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